Thursday 15 April 2010


I did a session at the Cove yesterday, it's killed my arms but opened my eyes. Met up with Elmo and Sam and played on Connect 4/5 and Magnetic. Watching Dan on the Groove was very inspiring. I'm hoping that with an earlier start to the lime season this year I can get my fitness and strength up and get my projects done, and then get stuck into something hard seriously.
As Nik has reminded me, we can pull down hard still, and there's so much out there to enjoy before retiring. Challenges are constantly being set - the latest is 8A and 8a in the same month. He got the bloc in the spiritual (yet messy by the sounds of it) homeland of Font. I may struggle, yet I got my Peak traverse this morning as the winds hit N-N-E, and I reckon that's touching the fabled grade. Wish me luck on the bolts now, Nik is as keen as mustard.

The 'pinch' on my traverse:

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